Twilight's Robert & Kristen Love Story
A New Ending with "Happily Inner After"
TwiFans, this is a message of faith, hope and love for Kristen Stewart
and Robert Pattinson/Edward Cullen and Bella Swan-Cullen from the famed
Twilight series. This article puts a magnifying glass on their paralleling relationship. Though it is long over, both of them moving
on in their lives; I wanted you to see how to apply the teachings of Happily Inner After to change the "what if" potential. What if they had the right tools for "conscious coupling"
at their young ages? Could they have had an alternative result? You
bet. And, you can apply this teaching to your own relationship for
immense success. ...
Both Bella and Edward are in the process of moving from the princess and
prince, to the Queen and King archetypes within themselves; it is an
evolution of wonder and surprise. And for Kristen and Robert, they too
will move into their sovereign integral as inner king and queen
respectively. Their love is profound and vast. It transcends and scales
new heights. It is strong and powerful. This is a lesson for all of us.
We too must let go of everything that seems necessary or important in
our outer world and stand gazing into the eyes of our inner BeLoved, and
love ourselves. Then open our eyes and see ourselves in everything and
everyone around us. Give ourselves the chance for a rebirth back into /
from / with the Divine.
Here's To Love,
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